About a decade ago, my husband was out on a diamond hunt with a friend who was looking for a new wedding ring for his wife. That adventure for my husband was similar to when he goes grocery [...]
I often ponder the moments that I would like to rewind and undo. And then I am immediately confronted with how awful it would be to not have stories about moments that you would like to rewind [...]
Last week my daughter broke her wrist. Except not really. She actually broke her wrist six weeks ago colliding with her 6’2” tree of a middle blocker. The bad news is that we only found out she [...]
I read something today that made me laugh. Ducks walk out of a lake, flap their wings and fly off. Good for you, duck. I wonder if you have adrenal glands. If so maybe instead of “shaking things [...]
If I had had the energy to stop and take a picture you would have seen what I saw. A beautiful flat bike path meandering through the surrounding hills. Yucca plants leaping joyously from the [...]
Sadness, anger, disappointment. They are emotions that threaten to drown us. But if we learn how to be with them, we discover that they round us rather than flatten us.
I got my hair cut today. And I cried. Last time I got my hair cut, I cried too. I might cry the next time it happens. Because when I look into the mirror I don’t see the face I’ve grown [...]
I was out on a run the other morning. Sun glistening through dew drenched branches. Penetrating chill working its way through my fingertips. Feet pounding in rhythm to the MP3 shuffle. When death [...]