Ducks, Adrenaline and Volleyball
I read something today that made me laugh. Ducks walk out of a lake, flap their wings and fly off. Good for you, duck. I wonder if you have adrenal glands. If so maybe instead of “shaking things [...]
Friendship is Everything
Friendships have always been a bit of a mystery to me. My parents didn’t really do the friends thing well. They had friends, but the friendships only existed as long as both parties went to the [...]
Grace on a Sugar Cone
Some people say having kids changes you. But I say that having kids unveils the real you. Take me, for example. Before I had kids I was patient, kind, magnanimous and upright. After kids I [...]
Into the Looking Glass
As a therapist, I believe in the importance of good theoretical knowledge, unconditional positive regard, affective attunement and a safe holding-space, along with perfectly timed insightful [...]
Two Old Socks
I’m not much of a frou-frou, Valentine, chocolate-and-roses kinda gal. I’ve only gotten one Valentine’s present my whole life.